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25 janvier 2006

Martin did the honorable thing... However, we just lost a great Prime Minister and a politician who listens!

First I would like to say that Prime Minister Martin is a great man and I wish him the best!  This campaign was very harsh to him, but he will be remembered as a great man!  He gave Canadians equity.. He gave us a strong voice in International Affairs.. He gave us a strong Canada even though provinces had incredible demands... He initiated the work in Democratic Reform.. He respected our signature for the Kyoto Protocol and while Minister of Finance he reshaped our economy for the best!  We will remember him! 

Dosanjh was exonerrated this Wednesday... 

Too bad this news did not come Monday or last week.  Some very influential people really wanted the liberals out and their desire came true.  What else could explain an RCMP probe when there was obviously no need for one.  What else could explain the totally bias media coverage that constantly refused to ask important questions to Harper.  We were beaten by all sorts of interests..  the evangelical interest being one, the right-wing pro-business (see big polluters) anti-Kyoto interest being another, the pro-American (meaning pro-Iraq war, pro-Bush) interest...  The weakening of the federal government will start soon.  Harper prefers satisfying all provinces instead of standing on principles and building a strong Canada.  We will see and alot of people will not like what he is doing, but we will not be able to do anything about it because the neoconservatives are there for a long time!

Interesting article about the division of the left:

12 janvier 2006


This is not surprising for an extremist like HARPER... COME ON ... YOU DID NOT KNEW HE WAS AN EXTREMIST...  WAKE UP and VOTE LIBERAL!!!!!!!!!!

12 janvier 2006

Conservative BC candidate to stand on trial for SMUGGLING

The Conservative Party was not aware that their candidate, Derek Zeisman, in the British Columbia riding of British Columbia Southern Interior is due to go on trial next month on smuggling charges, and if convicted, he could end up in jail. CTV NEWS


I'm sure they were not AWARE.,.... They thougth it could be hidden...

11 janvier 2006

Former Deputy Conservative Leader talks about GAYSSS - Intolérance conservatrice

Former Conservative MP Elsie Wayne, who once advised Canadian gays and lesbians to "shut up" about their lifestyle  is promising to re-ignite the gay rights debate with her blunt views about homosexuals and their place in Canadian society.

"Why would anyone do this to Canada ?" she says of the decision to allow same-sex marriage in this country.

"Look at the future for our young people, for heaven's sake. What kind of message are we sending to them? It's no wonder (U.S. President) George Bush doesn't want to do business with Canada anymore. I don't blame him. At least he has moral standards."

Click for the Article

Another article

10 janvier 2006

Martin pulled it off... The PM won the debate... Le premier ministre Martin gagne facilement le débat

Le premier ministre avait le plus à perdre de ce débat étant donné de la remontée des conservateurs depuis le début janvier.  Paul Martin avait donc beaucoup de pression.  Malgré les attaques incessantes des partis d'opposition, il a réussi à faire passer son message sur l'unité canadienne et sur les différences fondamentales entre lui et Harper. 

Harper with his fake smile, AND WITHOUT IS TELEPROMPTERS, did not do as well as Conservative operatives would have hope.  It seems that some were desapointed. 

What about Jack Layton...  Well .... quite frankly he was just spaced out!  I don't know what he had but I can't recognize good old Jack!  He did not get his message accross and it seems that he lacks leadership. 

BUT WE SHOULD STILL FEAR THE CONSERVATIVES... because there will not be other opportunities to question Harper.  We know that his candidates don't speak with the media.... and that Harper himself does not respond directly to questions... so we have to be aware that his REAL AGENDA will be forgotten and that the Conservatives will regain mommentum! Thanks for Liberal4life for this link

9 janvier 2006

Les dangers de voter Conservateur... Dangers to Vote Conservative

Voici une liste intéressante....  Certaines énumérations sont exagérés, mais il ne faut pas perdre de vue la triste réalité d’un gouvernement Conservateur….


8 janvier 2006


You can find other Conservative quotes here

Stephen Harper: “Whether


ends up as one national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion.

Stockwell Day: “Homosexuality is a mental disorder that can be cured through counseling” Alberta Report,

February 3, 1992

Stephen Harper: “west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society.”

8 janvier 2006

Les Quebecois aime soudainement HARPER??????????????????????????????

«Stephen Harper a réussi à faire oublier son passé, conclut Jean-Herman Guay, professeur de sciences politiques à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Son passé, ce n'était pas peu de chose. C'était du Québec bashing pendant presque 10 ans. L'homme a commencé sa carrière politique en attaquant l'accord du lac Meech, en ne reconnaissant aucune spécificité pour le Québec.»

Article de 

Les Québécois doivent aussi oublier son appui à la Guerre en Irak... et au Bouclier anti-missile.  Les Québécois oublient également, fort probablement, l'appui inconditionnel de Harper au PRESIDENT BUSH.  Hum.. oh les Québécois oublient également que Harper et les Conservateurs sont contre le Protocole de Kyoto... car protéger l'environnement pour les Conservateurs peux avoir trop d'impact sur l'économie (lire : c'est surtout mauvais pour l'économie des grands pollueurs industriels).

7 janvier 2006

Le premier ministre Harper....

Il ne faut pas oublier la position pro-guerre en Irak d'Harper en 2003...

We must not forget Harper's approval of the Bush invasion of Iraq... and he is so similar to Bush!

7 janvier 2006 is out of control - Le site perd de sa qualité (COPIÉ DU BLOG

Over the last few weeks I've noticed that has been publishing rumors, exagerations and completely false statements.  They are using extremely negative, bias and false titles for links and the site is full of unfounded allegations and exagerations. seem to have something against the liberal party and never talks about other parties in any form.  I don't understand why they are acting this way because I used to see as a good way to keep look for up-to-date information, but now it's not keeping us informed it's using us and thinking we are stupid to beleive everything they say.  See for yourself at  What do you think ?

Depuis quelques semaines je remarque que le site publie des rumeurs, exagérations et déclarations complètements fausses.  Ils utilisent des titres extrêmement négatifs, biaisés et sans fondements. semble avoir une dent contre le parti libéral et le site ne traite jamais des autres parties.  Je suis très déçu et je ne comprends pas pourquoi agit comme cela car je voyais ce site d'une oeil positif avant puisqu'il nous tenait bien informé, mais maintenant le site nous tiens pas informer, et les concepteurs de nous prennent pour des imbéciles s'ils croient que nous croyons leurs désinformations.  Voyez par vous même...  Qu'en pensez-vous ?

J'aimerais avoir des commentaires sur ce sujet... Il est vrai que est devenue ridicule et ressemble de plus en plus a un site de rumeurs insignifiantes... 

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La politique et